Getting Emergency Management to Work?

How will we get our key Emergency Management personnel to their jobs when the Cascadia Megaquake strikes?

I’ve included this question for the betterment of Natural Disaster Stratagem Investigations. This is another area I have no expertise at, but I hope everyone has a plan. Who knows what time or where we will all be when the Cascadia earthquake strikes?

“Thinking outside the Emergency Manager’s box”, it has been an interesting internet search to find ways to get to work when the roads are out of commission. Some are as affordable as $75K with two seats that could do land, sea or air. They are light weight, which makes them calm weather dependent but they appear to go anywhere with enough fuel. Flying personal transport craft are also becoming more feasible and reliable.

Another interesting area of internet viewing were the amphibious vehicles that traversed both water and land, some specifically made for Emergency use. This then led to the question of how our Pacific Northwest populations would fare if they too had boughten amphibious ATV’s prior to a major Cascadia event? ATV’s are quite popular already. Given the severe seismic potential in the Pacific Northwest, should affordable amphibious ATV’s be made available to that market?

What I haven’t been able to determine clearly is how will we find our key Incident Management people after this disaster erupts, especially at the local level. Let alone get them to work. Again, none of us will know where we will find ourselves when a Cascadia event occurs.

How are you getting to work when a disaster takes out the roads? Give me your thoughts and ideas!