“Big Fire?..Bring a big hose.”

Someone at the Wa. St. Fire Academy taught me the importance of aggressive hose attacks on large fires if the resources are available. Given that natural Wildfires are Class A Combustibles, put enough wet extinguishing agent on the right spot, it will go out.

It is realized that the cost, physics and logistics of implementing Squadrons of flying ARFF type pumps for Conflagrations/Wildfire will be challenging to any Community. Therefore it would be prudent to examine other types of aircraft that can accomplish the same thing for less, such as the Chinook. A tried and true friend to many First Responders and Military personnel.

If my homework is correct, a system as this is feasible, available, doable and most importantly, necessary. Although I have to add, this again is an area not in the direct path of my past trainings, and therefore ask learned Firefighting Aviation Colleagues to please apply peer review.  In my opinion this is another one of those cases of “if we don’t try it, our kids probably will”.

Should this system be tested, nozzle reaction force upon the aircraft will have to be calculated. Hang on, this thing has a kick to it.