Category: Maritime

Maritime Proposals

Augmenting Pacific Northwest Emergency Management Practices to Include Maritime Infrastructure for Natural Disasters

The Pacific Northwest is a very dangerous place when the ground shakes. It is best not to be in contact with the ground when it does. What options are there for…

Maritime Proposals tsunami

Combination Marina/Public Tsunami Safe Haven

Can we simultaneously protect strategically vital Pacific NW watercraft and the public from tsunami inundation with the same structure? Seismically resistant watercraft of all sizes and shapes will be strategically…

Maritime Proposals tsunami

Managing Tsunami Debris During Inundation Phases

History reflects tsunami debris fields remaining for extended periods after a community has endured both earthquake and inundation, first posing as an immediate conflagration fire threat, then becoming sources of…

Design Maritime Proposals Questions tsunami

Water Adaptive Structures

This is another area I only have a layman’s experience in, but like everyone else I have a vested interest in human structures. I’m curious because parts of my previous…